Saturday, July 18, 2009

Days 4&5 of the Great Sleep Experiment

This is actually written on July 21st, but I'll try to keep these posts consistent so I can backlog them.

Saturday, I went out a movie, saw The Hurt Locker and it was a really cool, really moving somewhat indie film. No major stars (except for Evangeline Lilly, Kate from Lost but her role was so minor and only 5 minutes towards the end). The acting was superb and it just shows that we should be thankful every day that we have brave men and women in the armed forces fighting a senseless, unwinable war and putting their lives out there even if they don't necessarily agree with the politics of it. Thank you for our freedom, thank you thank you US Military. I really pray that Iraq will someday not need us, and have peaceful days without IEDs and senseless fighting. Someday we'll clean up our mess.

As for sleeping, the movie was from 1010pm, so I got back around 1 and went straight to sleep. Had to wake up by 630 to get to work at 7am. I guess I fell asleep around 130 and tried to wake up at 6, that's what 4.5 hrs? Really pushing it when I'm so used to 9 hours on the REM cycles. Woke up around 620,630 and then went to work. Yay.

Sunday, didn't really get to take my 1.5hr nap, but I slept at a reasonable time for Monday I think something like 12 or 1am.

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