Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 2 of the Great Sleep Experiment

Last night the last time I remembered looking at the clock before falling asleep was 1:08am.

The first time I woke up today was 5:43 am. Wow, pretty perfectly 4 1/2 hours. I had to piss like a racehorse, then again I drank a lot of water last night at Karl Strauss. Good free food, but $5.50 for a beer plus I was driving, no thanks.

So I went back to sleep, and I woke up, no alarms, at 8:40 or so. My alarm was set for 8:45am this morning trying to get 7 1/2 hours of sleep from 1:15 or so. I love waking up right before the alarm, but of course I snoozed it until 915. Then I set another alarm at 930, woke up at 10 ugh.

I'm starting to get sleepy, I need to take that 1 1/2 hour nap soon. Excitement.

Currently hooked on Dexter. What an amazing show that keeps you thinking. Big time fan of shows with a good narrator too. Love it and can't friggin wait until Nip/Tuck comes back in October. YES.

Update 511pm: So I took that hour and a half nap. Felt great. A little groggy at first waking up, with my usual snooze routine, but only hit it once and was able to wake up fairly quickly afterwards. Currently I feel great. It's hot outside so I do feel a bit drained, but so far I'm diggin this sleep schedule. That 7 1/2 from last night was a bit long, because eventually I will be able to cut it down to 4 hours. Maybe I'll try 6 tonight.

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