Monday, December 15, 2008

Vegas/China Dream

my dream last night involved me in las vegas on a pitstop with my family. we ended up in chinatown, which was underground somehow and that reminded me of when i went back to china and most of the markets were underground. it was interesting because i felt some kind of power because i knew english, and everybody was speaking chinese the entire time as if they didn't, so my brain felt as if it was in china but i didn't realize i was in vegas until i woke up.  

i really wanted the food there, so yea i dreamnt of food. i got the usual hot food thing, like panda, 2 item combos with rice and i was kinda disappointed because i was so excited about it in the first place. so much so that i walked to each food place trying to find just one that i'd enjoy. it was really crowded, so much that i remember some old white guy who had a translator accidentally shove me aside, but then we conversed afterwards. the last thing i remember is knockin over a giant box, that inside was some kinda wine. there were two white girls at the counter and just me speaking english was astonishing to them. it's as if i really had dug a hole to china...but i knew it was vegas, what the crap?  

triggers: I was at TGIF last night with Katie, talking about Vegas. 
I've been eating the 2 item combos from 99 Ranch a lot recently. 
Two nights ago at the work party there was a family that was going to go to China soon, and I remember mentioning that I haven't gone in a long time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


For the first time in a long time I'll be sleeping by 12. Crazy.

You know what else is crazy? The fact that in the next 5-10 years, I will be attending my friends' weddings. Especially because I've never gone to one myself, but chances are I'll be bombarded with invitations. I'm getting old. Who knew?

6:45am for a breast cancer walk? Sign me up! Def. not a morning person.
Greek IV Conference in Long Beach next weekend. STOKED.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Holy shit i can time travel.

In my dreams. As in this morning, when I decided to take a nap. It was intense, action packed, and best of all amazing.

I was also able to teleport, my most desired superpower, right after my hybrid had run out of gas and was then smashed into by another car in an empty parking structure...boom, teleported back in time to a party of some sort and because I had teleported, EVERYTHING changed. I can't remember which party, but all the events that happened that night were shifted somehow.

So yea. I can time travel. Who wants to come along?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Padre Gold

Last way was a lot of fun.

The bus ride was one of the best parts as always, so many people. But friggin cops...providing that saran wrap-cockblock of the night. Same cop that wrote me up in Marshall back then...fuck him.

High school gym dance set up anyone? It's okay. They had an ATM...

Shake that monkey.

Eclipse was good. Rush SigEp.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life Goals

Simple stupid shit, like idiots who fail to realize it takes 1 extra second to lift a toilet seat up, annoy me. If you have to piss, fellas, I know you love to try to aim it through that gap but I'd say a good 85% of the time, especially incorporating drunken times, you're gonna splatter. And when the time comes to actually sit down because you're:
a) taking a shit
b) tired as hell from the day and don't want to stand anymore
c) both, and want to read a newspaper or whatever other reading material is around
d) trying not to splatter on yourself or the toilet seat

I don't want to sit on your piss. Yes I know it's sterile and clean, hell even potable need be. But I'd prefer not to sit on your piss. Simple right?

And also, go green. Most regular public restrooms use a 1.6 gpf (gallon per flush) toilet, but the urinals are use 1.0 gpf. If you have to piss, make it quick. You want to stand up and piss anyways, why splatter?

And I've decided that every person should do at least one significant excursion or something that is life altering, especially for the people around them. Like volunteer work in another country, or something to that effect. And I've found my calling. Somewhere in Haiti. The poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere that also has to deal with lovely hurricanes every summer. They share the island of Hispanola with the Dominican Republic (1/3 is Haiti, the other 2/3 is DR) and it sucks because the DR is very well off in comparison. Also, being a francophone nation, I'd love to improve my francais while I'm there. I think it'd be a neat experience. Especially after graduating where I have no money, like most of their citizens, to truly experience what it's like. Recently I was listening to NPR (the shit) and they talked about how poor Haiti is so that people eat "dirt biscuits", essentially taking a handful of dirt to fill your stomach, so that they would feel less hungry. That's awful. Why can't we do anything for these people? And it's such a beautiful island too. So yea, that's somewhere I'd definitely like to go to. Haiti. Wyclef Jean, I'm lookin out for you. Party to Damascus.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Young People Fucking.

In case you haven't see it, it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. And it's fucking hilarious. Why? Because it's a realistic movie with an outrageous title. in case you wanted to see the trailer

Best sequence in the movie? Between Kristin and Matt, who are best friends who want to become friends with benefits.

Kristen: Sometimes a fuck is just a fuck. It's grindin your shit and emptying your balls and falling asleep right after you cum. And that's what you and I are gonna do to one another because that's what friends are for. So stop fucking up the game plan and down that shot because after that your old buddy Kris is gonna blow you.

Hot, confident women.

Monday, August 11, 2008

We're going streaking!

Dipshit driver of the day?

You're driving a nice new Toyota Prius. You're saving gas, and the Earth.
You're also driving the entire time with your hi-beams on me while tailgating me. Is that necessary dipshit? Didn't think so.

We're going streaking!
What NOT to do on your 21st:

Too cute to pass up

This was too cute to pass up. In case you didn't know, PostSecret is amazing.

The weather has been so nice recently, how could you ever want to get anything done? The beach was prefect yesterday. The pre-beach lunch buffet was also a good idea.

I hate the GMAT. It should die a slow burning death. How nice it would be to just go straight into business school right after....

Monday, August 4, 2008

More Driving.

Idiots drivers. Why are you the bulk of San Diego drivers?

Lady in a Dodge Durango. Don't think I wouldn't remember you. You and your shit ass driving skills. How did you get a license? Oh wait, you can get up to, what, 15 mistakes on that thing and still be licensed? It's pitiful our system really.

You don't drive all the way to the divider lines when you're the only car in that lane. At least you weren't tailgating me. Instead you were ahead of me, pumping your breaks every 10 seconds because you were tailgating the person in front. And then in the far left lane, you're about to knock my rear-view mirrors off by hugging the right side of the lane. Is that necessary? Then your stupid ass cuts in front of me to get on the freeway. Great.

Now you're hugging the far right lane and there's a slow ass driver in front of you. But no, I'm on your left side this time and you had to cut in front.

The irony in all of this? Behind me came a reasonable, sensible Dodge Durango driver. Who knew how to use his blinkers and actually change lanes without hugging the side closest to the next driver.

You dipshit driver. I hope you get what you deserve.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Get Stupid FCC

On the drive home from GMAT classes [which I not only abhor, but detest greatly], I heard Mac Dre's Get Stupid play on Z90. And they censored the most ridic. parts of the song. So much that I was really confused. Who is Z90 catering to now, retired old Republicans?

"This beats poundin cutty, where'd you get it?
Oh you ain't know? **** did it"

How do you edit out Dr. Dre? It's not a 4 letter word.
It's not code name for anything like drugs or sex.
I've heard many a times "roll a Philly" as in rollin a blunt, but that's never been edited out.
FCC. You're retarded. Get stupid with me dammit.

There was another part of the song edited out, and that too was a stupid edit. This all reminds me of a segment on Jimmy Kimmel's talk show about "unnecessary censorship" and it's hilarious with him just bleeping random words out to make it sound worse than it was intended. Ugh.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Other Day

Some douchebag driver was tailgating me and I really just wanted to pump my brakes just a little bit to get his irked, but then I saw this FATTY dent in his front bumper.

Some people just don't learn do they?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Take one quick look back

On April 28th I said I'd write something everyday. Whoops. That def. did not happen as you can clearly see.

I'm off to vacation to Vegas on Monday for a week. Haven't finalized what exactly what we're doing, but I think we'd be making stops in the Grand Canyon and other things nearby in that giant Mojave Desert. I expect 110 degree weather. Fuck my life.

What else is new? I think that I've finally sorta decided what I want to do in the future, as in past this upcoming senior year of college, and potentially the first few years of living in "the real world" and dealing with society. It's exciting, but scary at the same time. I hate that all these fliers and brochures about graduate school make it look so exciting, but the idea of being out there is somewhat terrifying. I need to move out of this house soon.

Good God I'm going to miss the seniors that are graduating.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Little Brother Intelligence

"Please don't smoke in my office! I enjoy sex more than you enjoy smoking and you don't see me screwing in your office."

These kids these days.

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Pledge.

I pledge to write something here everyday. So that when I look back, I'll have a better glimpse of what this quarter, these weeks, the months, what all of that meant to me. Of the mundane things I do on a daily basis, to the exciting times that I get to witness or be a part of.

Today was church. Then meeting. Visitors as usual, sloppy as usual with the savage attacking of food that is brought usual in traditional SigEp fashion.

Tired by 1030, but convinced to keep watching episodes of Lost. Currently on Season 2, Episode 11: The Hunting Party. To date, that's roughly 35 hours of TV that I've consumed. Holy crap.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Spring break is over technically in 5 hours, practically in 16 hours at 11AM for my first class Monday. But this break had me thinking, especially with me watching The Rookie just tonight.

Baseball. America's past time. I've missed it.

I'm glad baseball season is coming up, only the best time of the year. No one can deny the fresh cut grass, the fine dirt that always has a way of showing up in your pants towards the end of the game, the sound of aluminum smattering leather...all of it. Yea Little League, with all 6 innings of action, those early Saturday mornings with the game right next to a girl's softball game, which always was a good 10 times louder than our games...endless cheers, chants, sorority anyone? Just kidding.

So yea I never made it to Pony League, I could have signed up before high school, but I think the whole moving to Torrey Pines made me insanely bitter and therefore, fuck it.

Kinda regret it though. Now, I was no star athlete. Hardly from it. I was a lousy pitcher with a decent curveball and a sloppy splitter, a Mendoza-line hugging batting average, but I thought I was a pretty good baserunner and I covered center field pretty well.

But I guess it takes a good ole baseball movie to make you fall back in love eh?

The Rookie. You know, the one with Dennis Quaid, the one where he throws a baseball past one of those speed limit radar things and it shows up as 76 mph...and then the lights flickers and then it shows as 96. Yea it's magical. But I love that it's based on a real story of a guy, who through tragedy [tearing apart his shoulder in the minor leagues] had to give up on his dream of becoming a baseball player in the majors. Then he goes on to teach science in high school, and through a bet with his baseball team that he coaches [they make the playoffs, he tries out for the pros again] he becomes a Tampa Bay Devil Ray [now just the "Tampa Bay Rays"] and strikes out his first batter. It's magical. Note that he's 35 when he turns pro, I mean it's really only in baseball where you can be so far away from the game, yet always at it's roots.

Roots. Baseball started as a humble game, a Civil War time game with sticks and rocks and soldiers. It grew, got spread to other American military bases around the world like Japan and Korea, and it became more than just a sport, it became a part of their culture too. People view it as such a hard to watch, difficult to understand, and slow game. But behind that, realize the beauty.

Only in baseball do you score when the OPPONENT has the ball. And there is no clock and the game lasts 9 innings, unless there's a tie.

It's in their hands. And face it, when they're up 2 strikes on you, it really doesn't matter because you're still good with foul balls and working the count. It's where close counts, but in the game of inches, it all boils down to nerves. The game is truly 90% mental, 10% physical. Sure you can roid it up like Barry Bonds, which increases your bat speed, but in the end it's mental. It's anticipating the pitcher's pitch, watching for spin, watching where his arm delivery comes from, realizing where the fielders are positioned, if there are baserunners, how the fielders hold the runners to their bases. It's a game of inches and everything happens at once. As the pitcher, you have to guess what the batter's guessing. You dictate the speed of the game, and you're grateful for the 7 fielders behind you hoping they'll dive for the ball and hustle for each play.

In basketball, the star player dreams of having 10 seconds left on the clock, and draining that last second fake-out the defender and swish to win the game. In hockey it's one on one with the goalie with 10 seconds wide open ready for a shot. In football it's 10 seconds on the clock, the quarterback scrambling out of the pocket heaving towards his receiver. In baseball, it's not 10 seconds, it's the 3 balls, 2 strikes, bases loaded, bottom of the 9th inning, fireballer pitcher on the mound and you hit the grand slam out of the park to win the game.

I love having no clock. Call the game slow, but I think it takes as long as it needs and that's perfection.

Baseball has the greatest fans, who live and die with each pitch, who realize yes you're supposed to boo at your rival team the WHOLE game. Who desperately don't want Chicago to sell the naming rights to it's beloved Wrigley Field, a beautiful 92 year old park. Then there's Fenway Park in Boston, 4 years older than Wrigley, and just a legend by itself. Hell I even miss good ole Jack Murphy Stadium where the Padres used to play with those beautiful palm trees.

So boys will always be boys. And baseball is just that sport that every father dreams of having his son play, while they play catch in the yard. I hope it forever remains America's past time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

For the first time ever, even despite the fact that I am not a Catholic, I made it through Lent. It wasn't 100% perfect, as in I did have meat on Fridays, but I actually stuck through with the 40 days of giving up something. And honestly, I'm quite proud of it. I always suck with New Years Resolutions, but for God, I can def. live another 40 days devoid of something.

And hell, I might even wake up at 830 and make it to service at 930 for KUMC. It's been too long. But then again my first ever church service was at KUMC on Easter Sunday, two years ago. Tradition. Roots.

Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

It's 2008. Time for resolutions, reflection of the past year. But you know what? I'll sum it up this way. 2007 was fun, it wasn't perfect, I've grown and learned a lot, and I hope to make it the reason why I'm successful in 2008. I look forward to 2008, the madness, the intense studying, everything all put together. So cheers. I hope everybody has a great 2008, let's make it memorable in a good way.

Marques Houston - Do You Mind
Jay Sean - Ride It