Friday, June 20, 2008

Take one quick look back

On April 28th I said I'd write something everyday. Whoops. That def. did not happen as you can clearly see.

I'm off to vacation to Vegas on Monday for a week. Haven't finalized what exactly what we're doing, but I think we'd be making stops in the Grand Canyon and other things nearby in that giant Mojave Desert. I expect 110 degree weather. Fuck my life.

What else is new? I think that I've finally sorta decided what I want to do in the future, as in past this upcoming senior year of college, and potentially the first few years of living in "the real world" and dealing with society. It's exciting, but scary at the same time. I hate that all these fliers and brochures about graduate school make it look so exciting, but the idea of being out there is somewhat terrifying. I need to move out of this house soon.

Good God I'm going to miss the seniors that are graduating.

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