Monday, August 4, 2008

More Driving.

Idiots drivers. Why are you the bulk of San Diego drivers?

Lady in a Dodge Durango. Don't think I wouldn't remember you. You and your shit ass driving skills. How did you get a license? Oh wait, you can get up to, what, 15 mistakes on that thing and still be licensed? It's pitiful our system really.

You don't drive all the way to the divider lines when you're the only car in that lane. At least you weren't tailgating me. Instead you were ahead of me, pumping your breaks every 10 seconds because you were tailgating the person in front. And then in the far left lane, you're about to knock my rear-view mirrors off by hugging the right side of the lane. Is that necessary? Then your stupid ass cuts in front of me to get on the freeway. Great.

Now you're hugging the far right lane and there's a slow ass driver in front of you. But no, I'm on your left side this time and you had to cut in front.

The irony in all of this? Behind me came a reasonable, sensible Dodge Durango driver. Who knew how to use his blinkers and actually change lanes without hugging the side closest to the next driver.

You dipshit driver. I hope you get what you deserve.

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