Monday, June 1, 2009

3. I'm a dreamer at heart, a realist in my head

First off, HAPPY JUNE. Wow. Anyways, growing up I had a few strikes against me.
1. I'm Asian.
2. My parents are Asian and both are scientifically-inclined
3. I grew up loving science and math
4. Then I grew to be a hopeless romantic
5. I now consider myself one of God's children and while my faith is constantly challenged, I am always renewed in it after overcoming difficulties
6. I follow the media way too much and I watch too much TV

So what to do? Do I follow these wild dreams of the great amazing world, with all of its wonders, or do I try to add up the numbers and see where I could possibly go based on those figures? 

I've grown to realize that I tend to be too laid-back and overconfident in my abilities. Like right now coming back from a weekend at formal and trying to do homework...and it's 330am. Fuck.

But I continue to grow. I like to think myself as 21 years young, and remember today will be the youngest you'll be. Act like it, continue to learn, and be smart.

Tomorrow, June 2, will be 2 very happy and amazing months with my dear dear Katie. Even numbers honey, happy? Jeez. Does that mean our 3 month will be boring or terribly unlucky?

God Bless.

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