Sunday, February 1, 2009

1. I live for naps

It's already February of 2009, and still I'm finding out who I truly am, what I should be, what I might be, what I want, etc. 

So I thought for this entire month I'll drop something about myself everyday. That way I can look back and think hey that's what makes me, me. If I built the momentum, who knows I might even do this throughout March.

1. Naps. How do I function without them? Based on research of human sleep cycles, we are supposed to be diurnal animals. We have two long cycles of awakeness, something that you see in babies all the time. They're super awake for a while, nap for days, then back at it. Normally, people get tired right after lunch say 1-2PM because of this cycle, and usually compounded with a heavy lunch. In Japan they had this little test run of this school where all the kids were forced to take a power nap of 30 minutes after lunch, and ALL of their test scores improved about 30%. Why did we take away naptime? It helped us all grow when we were kindergarteners, whyyyy. 

The other day I slept for 13 hours. It was so unnormal for my body that I slept at 9PM only to wake up sometime late at night, then again early morning and then finally up at 10AM. I was really energetic in the morning, which was a plus. But I still had my dip at 2PM and I felt really dissapointed. Then there are the days when you sleep at 4AM, wake up around 8 or so and feel really energetic but CRASH later. Screw you Newton and your laws of physics.

How sad is it that at 21 years of age, I still don't know what my "optimal" amount of sleep is? I love sleeping in on weekends, but I still will wake up groggy. I try waking up to music, slowly, sunshine, etc which are supposed to help. Personally, I'm going to try to go outside in the morning before going to school. I don't think that could backfire right? I've sadly conceided to the fact that I'll always be tired sometime during the day, but I don't want to face that reality.

Dreams: Probably from a week ago, I dreamt that I was playing baseball with friends. Standing on second base, there was a hit towards the gap and I remember chugging towards home. But for some reason I probably weighed somewhere near 250 lbs but didn't look it. Somehow I was fast gunning it to third, but then my weight caught me by surprised as I rounded the base and I was slow beyond belief. I beat the throw at home, but wobbling around and when I dove for home head first, I did that slow motion grab the base and slightly twirl thing and there's this giant grin on my face when I was safe. And that was a run-on, fuck me.
Let's hope I don't end up that big and/or slow. I know I'm nowhere near the speed I used to have when I played Little League, but yea. I need to get back to running.

PS. I watched the Super Bowl halftime show and sadly I don't know any of Springsteen's songs. But I do know that they're trying to get acts that won't stir up controversy a la Janet Jackson. Somehow I couldn't help but notice the FIRST thing he does when he gets the stage though. Maybe it's because I'm older know and I'm not aware of the little quirks of life, but did anybody else notice that he was on his knees, the mic stand in between his legs is this not awkward? 

PSS. Ciara, fuck you. You turned an amazing oldies song in Simply Red | If You Don't Know Me By Now and stripped it just to turn part of it's chorus of "He will never ever love you." Not only are you not even close to key, I don't know what you're doing with your voice to make it even worse. It hurts my ears, I hope your song tanks because that's what I foresee.

Song of the day: Jay Rock | All My Life f. Lil' Wayne

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