Thursday, September 13, 2007

Annoyed as fuck.

It's one of those days where every little annoyance bugs you incessantly.

Yesterday I had a 5-panel drug test. Never done that before, but yea this whole pre-job hiring stuff is pretty intensely legit.

Here's how today went:
The water purifier in our garage, it's this giant cylindrical tank, is leaking. What the fuck. There's a wooden table set up next to it where I've got a TV on top. Hooked to that is a PS2 and DDR pads, and the back legs of the table are starting to melt away basically. Gah. And then there's this crap with everybody overwatering their lawns and that leads to water building up on the pre-driveway part, you know like against the curb. And it's hot as hell recently, and so hella green shit has been growing in those nice little puddles, and no matter how much you sweep em into the sewer, they keep coming back because, you guessed it, everybody and they mamas is overwatering.

That was 5-10 minutes before I left for my fingerprinting, no biggie but just kinda irked. Then there was fingerprinting. Mind you I drove around for a fuckin good hour or so, damn you Google maps. It's not entirely Google's fault, they gave accurate directions, but instead of offering to tell me to make a right onto a large prominent street, it told me to take a right at a basically unmarked street. How the hell was I supposed to know? I drove up to Oceanside basically, that was friggin retarded. Past the 76 and everything. Granted I was supposed to go to the Carlsbad Police Department. CarlsBAD. Bah. I get there eventually, 1/2 an hour before they were stopping the fingerprinting thing and of course, I'm appointment-less. Here's where I'm pissed off. Wachovia utilizes a company called ChoicePoint to handle the administrative things as far as fingerprinting and drug screening go. They were really good with helping me get things set up and even sent me a fingerprinting kit overnight express and it got there the morning after. Great service so far. However, the lady who was helping me on the phone told me that as long as I went on a Thursday afternoon from 1-3:30, then it was all gravy at the C-bad PD. It wasn't. I needed an appointment and I obviously didn't have one. So I had to schedule an appointment for next week Thursday. What kinda crap is that? Thanks ChoicePoint receptionist #1. As for receptionist #2, she was good. She helped me rearranged my appointment so tomorrow I'm going to the YMCA off Camino Del Rio & the 8 to get this fingerprinting business handled. Gah. I better fucking get hired after all this here and there crap.

I've been having some vivid dreams recently, I can't remember all of them, or any at all actually, but I think it has to do with me sleeping know why? Because I've been sleeping with the window open for the past week. Apparently that helps you sleep deeper and I've gotta say it's worked so far. One involved me on this crazy train/walking sidewalk from UCSD to SDSU. The hell?

I'm off to Hawaii in 2 days. I'm stoked. Sorry Lisa, we'll roadtrip it next time I promise. :]

Then there's Fall Quarter. Super stoked. So much to do, so much to do. I will most def. be keepin busy and that's something I'm going to hate and appreciate at the same time. Time to time managed effectively, instead of lounging around. Put that booty in motion.

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