Friday, August 24, 2007

Here's to the weekend.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. This past weekend I feel like I've been everywhere. Yesterday felt like a lazy Sunday, no work, went to LJ Shores with the fam and it was nice. I'm really grateful for the past few weeks for how the whole family thing has been good. Can't live without it.

This weekend looks like it should be good. Lots of people to see, things to do. School is creeping up, I can't believe we just finished week 3 of summer school. Time flies for sure.

You know what's interesting? I think Lindy Hop and West Coast Swing are basically like breakdancing for white people. I kinda wanna learn WCS, it just seems like so much fun and and it's fast paced.

So anyone got $40 lying around so I can get this? :]

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