Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes you just need to let it all out.

  • Yesterday I broke down and just let it all out. A good good cry. I think it was mostly a “I’m so frustrated with everything and especially myself that I’ll be frustrated with other people” and I rubbed off on my parents completely wrong and that lead to a huge misunderstanding and well yea. Bad. There’s something undeniable about getting upset, swearing, and throwing stuff. Strangely therapeutic. I think it’s the typical short-tempered Korean male syndrome. Sorry.
  • I rocked my Econ midterm and got a legitimate A. Not one of those 75%–>A via curve dealios. No idea how good that feels. Especially with people telling me that Econ2 [although a lower div] was somewhat confusing. Nerdgasm… ;]
  • I’m extremely grateful for the people in my life who put up with my antics, my laziness, and my stubbornness. I certainly question why some of yall do it. Then again I do the same for you suckers…haha just kiddin. But no seriously, thanks a million. Thanks for making me feel less and less like a tard, and more like…myself?
  • I was pretty late to church today, like 25 minutes late. And still I didn’t miss out on too much. I’m pretty proud of myself, figuring in the past if I was late for church, I’d just go back to sleep. Dedication mmm.
  • I’m off to Yogurt World with some peoples woohoo. Patty you’re not allowed to leave us. Otherwise…
  • Will I be up in LA this coming Saturday? We shall see…we shall see. :] Partay!
  • I start working for AFLAC tomorrow at 9. I hate waking up before 9 :[
  • And oh yea. If I haven’t seen you this summer, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why haven’t you called? Jeez. That’s all I ask of you. Call me! I know yall are busy, but we can all spare an hour sometime and grab lunch, dinner, desert, whatever you fancy. I know I def. owe Chris a visit, sorry bro. We gotta weekend something yea?
  • Beach naps are the best. I had a real good time today. I probably got burned, but I def. feel exhausted being out in the sun
  • I need to keep practicing piano. It’s nice to be able to pick up sheet music and play some popular songs ie. Because Of You, or some Final Fantasy music, or what have you
  • Nothing beats a California burrito or carne asada fries. Not even In-N-Out sorry.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007



  • Ace my Econ classes. Impossible? Probably. But I figure I’m only taking 1 class per session so if I read and review everyday I should be good.
  • Land a paying job by next weekend. Hopefully somewhere out there is willing to take on a part-timer who can work all weekend long and sparingly during the weekdays.
  • Get out more often. Meet up with random people just because you haven’t seen em in a while.
  • Exercise 3+ times a week. I did 4 last week so this is very possible.
  • Relearn good posture. Yea I slouch in my chair a lot, but at least when walking I’m pretty sure I’m losin an inch or two by walking like a tard.
    Anybody remember the Jaime Foxx Oscar acceptance speech? It was about his grandmother: She told me, stand up straight, shoulders back. Act like you’ve got some sense…She said act like you’ve been someplace.”


  • Econ class really isn’t that bad. Don’t know anybody in my class, but there’s a Letty clone. I wonder what her name is hmm…
  • Started my IFIS internship last week on Monday and got up to speed. The people I work with are awesome. Good times indeed.
  • Making to-do lists are easy. Executing…well that’s where I need some work on. But I’m getting there.


  • Yesterday my fam and I were eating dinner. My dad made some of those red bean mochis, the frozen kind. After my brother started eating one, he said, “BLAH. This tastes like nothing!” I have always loved those mochis, and so I proceeded to eat mine. What the freak! It was pretty much all dough. Where was the filling? I’m used to the kind that had the red bean crushed into a zillion pieces and usually oozing out of the dough. Nope not this time. I proceed to say blah myself…when Stephen starts cracking up. Who couldn’t help but laugh at this retarded situation? My parents chime in, and pretty soon we’re all choking. My brother says, “Are these cheaper?” and my mom responds “Nope. The other ones were buy one get one free…” We all die in a span of 10 minutes. Definitely a really nice, happy moment. I live for these.

Monday, July 9, 2007

1st Post

  • This is the first post.
  • This blog was created July 9, 2007 @ 11:49 PM.
  • This blog is going to have mostly bullet points that get to the point…
  • But hopefully illustrate complete thoughts
  • It’s summertime and I know for sure that my English skills will deteriorate with my brain so hopefully writing in this time to time keeps me somewhat intelligent before Fall Quarter starting September 27th.
  • Ma français est terrible. Je suis en retard. I just made a French joke wow. I really hope I can relearn some of those 4 years of French classes.
  • I need to learn Korean. I feel so uncultured at times.

Buona Notte.