Saturday, October 18, 2008


For the first time in a long time I'll be sleeping by 12. Crazy.

You know what else is crazy? The fact that in the next 5-10 years, I will be attending my friends' weddings. Especially because I've never gone to one myself, but chances are I'll be bombarded with invitations. I'm getting old. Who knew?

6:45am for a breast cancer walk? Sign me up! Def. not a morning person.
Greek IV Conference in Long Beach next weekend. STOKED.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Holy shit i can time travel.

In my dreams. As in this morning, when I decided to take a nap. It was intense, action packed, and best of all amazing.

I was also able to teleport, my most desired superpower, right after my hybrid had run out of gas and was then smashed into by another car in an empty parking structure...boom, teleported back in time to a party of some sort and because I had teleported, EVERYTHING changed. I can't remember which party, but all the events that happened that night were shifted somehow.

So yea. I can time travel. Who wants to come along?